Spitfire: 1940
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Description : Fighter command needs your assistance! The Battle of Britain is about to begin and you have been called upon to manage the British defences. Organise your men, build planes, check intelligence reports and send out your Spitfires to defend the country against the threat of German invasion.

Instructions : Allocate men to different tasks in the recruits screen. Choose which planes to build in the factory screen. Check your intelligence reports in the intel screen. Allocate planes to areas in the area screen (use the intel to help you decide where to defend). If you lose 2 or more areas it's game over. Shoot down 300 planes to prevent the Germans from invading. The quicker to shoot them down, the higher your score.

Tags : spitfire, hurricane, battle, Britain, fighting, shoot, plane, Germany, WW2, world, war, London, defend, strategy, command, fighter,
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